Monday, October 29, 2007

I can't believe it!

Hi guys! I honestly can't believe that we all took boards last week (or, 2 wks ago--my time flies when you're not studying). It seemed like for at least 3 yrs all we heard was, "ok, so, you have to know this because it is on the boards," and, finally, there we were, sitting for boards and trying to remember all those little things that everyone told us not to forget (that I happened to forget). I missed everyone, too, the group in Seattle was definitely one big clique, then there was me, sitting in the corner with my quadruple caramel latte, nervously flipping through my Zitelli, hoping I would remember something when I felt like I couldn't remember anything. Was anyone else totally burned out on Peds after the exam? I had to work the next day, and I walked into the clinic thinking, if I have to hear about one more friggin kid, I'm going to go out of my mind! I swear, every kid that I saw that day had either early MPS, galactosemia, tuberous sclerosis, ataxia telangectasia, Wiskott Aldrich, foreign body aspiration, Klinefelter's, or was an undiagnosed hermaphrodite. (mind you, I am in general peds clinic) Ok, better get back to work. Hope you all survived boards, and if not, hope you have a nice padded room with a view. :)


Sunday, October 21, 2007

a little jelly....

okay, I hate the boards....can I just say that? I feel like I got spanked for 8 hours, and not in a fun way...
I must admit, I was a little jealous of all the chicago people who had their residency friends around...I hope you guys had a good time afterwards.
I better run, I am on-call and I just got paged for another trauma...damn kids, what are they doing up so late??

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Sweet bitterness

Hey guys. Just wanted to say that while going to SF to take Boards was not all that cool, seeing everyone (minus all of you living far far away) was great. I really missed all of you!!! Come visit me for some fun hiking, skiing, gambling or whatever when you have some time. My house is always open!

Thursday, October 11, 2007

post boards

since we'll all be in south sf on tuesday afternoon, fatima and i were thinking about grabbing dinner w/ folks who were up for it somewhere in SF. Then if anyone's still got any energy, drinks/bar/etc. We're in lower haight, so, errr, lacking imagination, someplace around here.

anyways, since about 4 people read this blog and half live in other parts of the country (hi soma, sonal!), I'll send off an email too.

smooches, debs.

stress management

For those who are anxious about next week, here are some activities to consider:
  • getting a massage. The National Holistic Institute (massage school) in Emeryville is having a special in October for $20 massages on weekday mornings. I had one today, and it was excellent. I've had hit-or-miss experiences there before, but I generally recommend it, and you can't pass up a bargain.
  • outdoors time this weekend? It's supposed to be sunny and pleasant on Saturday, which sounds like golfing weather to me.
  • a change of venue? The Berkeley law school has a fantastic library, with a newly renovated 50's-mod-styled room and some of the most comfortable chairs I've ever sat in (the librarian told me they cost $900 each).
  • drinking? With the advent of colder fall-like weather, I've switched from beer to red wine this past week. Administer q 5:00 p.m.
  • concerts? The past month has featured some amazing live music, including Modest Mouse, Arcade Fire, LCD Soundsystem, Spoon, Wolf Parade, and Ladytron. Alas, nothing exciting this weekend.
  • TV? What a disappointment, with my Cubbies getting swept out of the playoffs, and the Bears being borderline unwatchable these days.
  • seeing friends? I'm looking forward to seeing you all on Monday at the hotel. I think Heidi's right, Tuesday night deserves a party...

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

October 16th

at around 4pm. . . .will be great!! Wondering if folks are planning to go out, catch up, celebrate after the test??

Looking forward to seeing everyone (and being done :). -Heidi

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

I wish I were Van. At night after work these days we both study for the boards. I often hear giggling coming from Van's study corner when she reads the "laughing your way" book and she seems genuinely entertained. She tries to suppress the laughing but it just comes out! It's very funny and cute to watch.
