Sunday, January 27, 2008


Hi friends,
I am suddenly highly motivated to clean, exercise, and blog :) as I avoid the next in a line of approximately 155 intern applications awaiting my perusal. I find that after a half year of Chiefing, my standards have become quite high as I try to protect next year's Chiefs and the Residents from pre-existing pathology. Or perhaps it's just that it seems pretty tough to live up to Class of 2007 standards. :) And, Kara and David and I have decided that any cheesy statements about only wanting to take care of the babies and forgetting the Mom on OB, or previous experience babysitting making someone ideal for Pediatrics should be banned and lead to point deductions. So jaded we are. But also happy I think. Really enjoyed Hung's holiday party and recent outing to the Kingfish to celebrate Board passage. Felt like old times. Definitely getting nostalgic as I think about moving on in July. Hope everyone's well. -Heidi PS Although I am a sometimes nervous attending, I promise I'd switch to Amp for you Mikhaela! :)

I agree

Hey Sonal, you're right, we all should be posting more, as we want to stay connected. I would post more, but I didn't want to bore people with my jaded and bitter tirades. :)

Everyone should just post daily happenings or funny stories or whatever.

So, this intern called me and asked what she should do if when she placed a ppd and the kid moved his arm and half the liquid did not make it into the arm.

A very nervous attending won't narrow to ampicillin when it is pan-sensistive Strep pneumo.

4 medical calling about a patient that is not my patient not on the ID service but it is rule out TB all over the chart and can the visitors come if they wear the N-95 masks?

ID note states give Drug A q24h and Drug B q8h. Non-pediatric resident writes Drug A q8h and Drug B q24. Nice.

This was in between the 10 notes I was writing while trying to make it to a wedding on time! (Missed the ceremony, made it for the reception.)

Anyhow, we miss you Sonal!!! We can't wait until you're back in the West. You and Hung will be our excuse to visit LA (Titos anyone?) Hung says he really is going to LA to make movies. Yes, we will be famous.

Saturday, January 26, 2008

Back on CALL...

Aren't you jealous. back in the picu. just worked sedation service and got to work with propofol or Milk of Amnesia ( ha ha ha..anesthesiology humor, all I need now is a fanny pack and better IV skills). I had one kid decide not to breathe after getting some, then she decided to make her heart stop (damn kids). But she is okay now, although I think I had minor coronary dysfunction during the event. Speaking of dysfunction...hello the ABP sucks. I am a bit disappointed in the amount of bloggin going on. I figured there would be a million posts about the general suckiness surrounding our ABP results FIASCO. But alas, only the lone voice of the debs was heard. BLOG people! dammit, its not like the rest of you are on call every fourth night (hmmm. sean working 8 days a It is so nice to hear updates from everyone (and yes even you Debs, who is probably the only person reading this anyways). BTW, I am moving to LA in July...which is good and bad news, I'll miss Chicago, but -20 degrees is getting a little old. all my love.

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

To all you BE not quite BC'ers.....

Hey all you in-limbo peeps. I feel a bit bad that I got through, posted about how I'm all happy and celebratory, and that Vera got me a bottle of champagne (which I think I should open in my office, cuz she's gone, and I'm so congested, maybe the bubblies will help... or a neti pot- fatima I'm gonna try it out later today, and if I drown, I leave you the laptop that's arriving in the mail, green phone and my BR jacket; if it's only a near drown, though, you get nothin! nothin but my angst) and you still don't even know your fate (whatevs, y'all passed, our class rocks, rocks!). It must be really infuriating to not know... (anyone want to blog about it?) to know that someone knows your fate, but that someone t'ain't you. And gosh, I only hope you updated your addresses, cuz man, that's gonna suck when you have to wait even longer for the mail to be forwarded. (Duders, I seriously hope you notified the post office of your new address.)

Monday, January 7, 2008 crappy website bastards.

Okay, so I dunno about you fools on the east coast, but it took us west coasters 5-8 hours (plus? anyone still attempting to log on?) to log in to find our results. Bastards! hello, highest traffic day of the year, they should be able to handle it. Jeeeez. Apparently the screen is freezing up after the "certified" page pops up... but don't you kids fret, it says it like it is. There is a page where you can print out an official letter of congratulations, and also a little break down reminding you how little you still know about cardiology and the yowsers, i just barely passed type of shtuff. But why bother- it's all about the passing score. So celebratory drinks tonight to all those who passed, and hey, if'n it's Hawaii 2008, hells it's just one day this year, one day! wusses. Just remember, bugs in the ear, mineral oil it. Feeding your baby non-dairy creamer, CPS.
Anyone wanting to join up in SF, give me or LE a holler. Sorry to the poor folks on call- but maybe you'll just walk a little taller, introduce yourself with a new title (as in, hi, yes, I'm the board certified pediatrician on call tonight). We'll toast you all the same.
