Sunday, June 22, 2008

Eat your Heart out AFriCa

Well. I know I know not many people are reading the blog or posting. I am quite guilty of this myself. The picu has been keeping me pretty busy. But, I did have time to vacation at the San Diego Zoo sometime ago with Fatima. And, all I have to say is, we saw the same kinda animals that Anu and Kara saw on Safari. So there. For those of you who never make it to Africa, all you need is a trip to San Diego. =)
I wish the blog was a success, but with facebook and all that, I know our sensory systems are in overload.
Well, I move back to Los Angeles soon. My last day of work is Thursday. I had coffee with David here in Chicago and he is doing well. I think he is really excited about working in the cardiac icu. poor fool.

Monday, June 16, 2008

lame ducks

hey, so i'm around. check the blog out q 2 weeks. kara and i are truly lame ducks now. david left for chicago friday. . . :( all feels a bit strange. new interns arrived for orientation. yet, I'm still taking care of lots of patients. last day of rounds with the team today. definitely bittersweet. i'll miss david and kara terribly. i'll miss the residents and the CHO spirit a lot. will miss the hospitalist gig quite a bit. will NOT miss scheduling or jeopardizing at all. diego and i are moving down to palo alto in a little over a week. after that, ecuador for most of july and then reality hits :). I miss you guys!