Sunday, November 30, 2008


(official) congrats to the latest parents-to-be! he's... adorable?

I don't think anyone logs in here at all.

But in case you do, just wanted to say hi.

I was running today, and I totally face planted. It was hilarious. Right into the only puddle of mud in the path. WTF? Covered in mud for another 3 mile run home. I looked ridiculous, mud all down my back and butt. but luckily, just scraped up my palms and a lil calf. Nothing too fancy. Ahhh, running in the park on a pretty sunday. eating mud. it's an exciting time.


Saturday, November 22, 2008

No posts? How about 2nd trimester baby pics!

It's a boy, due April 18th.

Sarah & Matt

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

wow, nothing? it's almost been a month!!!

wellsers, I've been day attending at Summit the past few days, no one's died or been rushed back to the picu... yet. Fatima takes over tomorrow, so she can clean up my messes. HA! There have been about 1-2 house patients a day... luckily the olympics are on to amuse me.
So just wanted to say hi to the 1-2 of you who read this. Hopefully we'll all be seeing each other soon in Tahoe. TAHOE BABY. Part 3.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

woohoo! a post!

Those are pics from the roommies roadtrip. Fatima and I took in Portland (brief overnight), Vancouver, Victoria, Seattle, coastal Washington (1 night- see yurt) and coastal Oregon in 2 weeks. And managed not to kill each other. Or anyone else.

Other news: still doing bootcamp- well, I had a lot of breaks, so don't expect me to outrun (or even keep up with) DuBray. We need to get her knocked up and as pregnant as Fox or Lena and then maybe I stand a chance. I am so freaking sore right now, and about to take off for more punishment. Stairs and hill day, jesus.

I start my new job at Palo Alto Med Fndn this week- working in their Fremont branch in peds urgent care. Part-time. Still moonlight at Summit part-time. The rest of the time, you'll find me surfing the net for a husband, making pretty bowls in pottery class, re-starting omnivore's dilemma, and hosting Anu in his homelessness.

Anyways, updates people!
(oh, Mili gave birth to a healthy baby boy on the 17th: Sajen (pronounced SAH-gin). Like a boston'er would say sergeant.

Friday, July 18, 2008

So, how's it going????

Well, it has been one year since all y'all graduated from residency. Now, what the heck is going on? I will tell you what all I know, then you have to reply back and give the real story. Anu is back from Africa and already writing chemo orders from memory. Kara D is also back from Africa, though not in California currently. Debs and Fatima just went on a road trip to Canada before Debs starts working again and Fatima is in central america now. Kara G and Aaron are road-tripping it (?) in Penn/east coast. David G is in Chicago curing all the baby hearts. Fox and Lena will pop in the next couple months....Hung and Sonal are making it big in the movies in LA. Heidi and hubbie are in Ecuador.

The rest of us, work as usual. Me...still swabbing vaginas and babies for living. Gotta love it!!! And I went to medical school and residency for this??

Please people, especially those with a recent "life change"--post and let us know details of how and what you are doing. I need to hear from people who actually use their brains and think about medical/clinical things.

Yeah, tahoe weekend, coming up! DVL is going to have Lena induced early so she can come with her baby. We decided this was a better option than delivering the baby at the cabin, though my OB skills are sky-rocketing. Can't wait to see everyone!!

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Eat your Heart out AFriCa

Well. I know I know not many people are reading the blog or posting. I am quite guilty of this myself. The picu has been keeping me pretty busy. But, I did have time to vacation at the San Diego Zoo sometime ago with Fatima. And, all I have to say is, we saw the same kinda animals that Anu and Kara saw on Safari. So there. For those of you who never make it to Africa, all you need is a trip to San Diego. =)
I wish the blog was a success, but with facebook and all that, I know our sensory systems are in overload.
Well, I move back to Los Angeles soon. My last day of work is Thursday. I had coffee with David here in Chicago and he is doing well. I think he is really excited about working in the cardiac icu. poor fool.

Monday, June 16, 2008

lame ducks

hey, so i'm around. check the blog out q 2 weeks. kara and i are truly lame ducks now. david left for chicago friday. . . :( all feels a bit strange. new interns arrived for orientation. yet, I'm still taking care of lots of patients. last day of rounds with the team today. definitely bittersweet. i'll miss david and kara terribly. i'll miss the residents and the CHO spirit a lot. will miss the hospitalist gig quite a bit. will NOT miss scheduling or jeopardizing at all. diego and i are moving down to palo alto in a little over a week. after that, ecuador for most of july and then reality hits :). I miss you guys!