Friday, February 29, 2008

South Africa pics.

Happy Leap Day. Or unleaped day.
So many posts, so little time...
As anu wrote, South Africa trip with Meg and Kara was amazing. Had no idea that South Africa was so beautiful- well, not Johannesburg for sure, but Cape Town and areas around it, Kruger National Park. Someone told me (on my return) that Cape Town is a sister city to San Francisco, and I can see why.
So some pics below. Anu/Kara's pics are more comprehensive. I think I'll try to figure out how to combine them together. There should be a way on picasa. Then you can see 300 photos at once. Woohoo!
only 3.5 months of this hair fellowship left. I had a dream I quit. Man, that was a good night.

Sunday, February 24, 2008

Back in Lesotho

Hey everyone!

It was nice for me to see all the new posts as well! Sounds like everybody is doing well post-boards. We had a great time with Meg and Deborah and it made me miss all of you and of course CHO and the bay area. Thanks for the gifts from Hung's bon voyage party for Deborah (really a party for us right?). Really looking forward to coming back in June. A little scared about starting fellowship, we don't have ceftaz and tobra and definitely haven't really thought about sickle cell at all or oncology except for Kaposi's sarcoma and Burkitt's lymphoma, pretty low on the differential back in the States...daily blood cultures and CT scans haven't even been on the horizon! And I am still just a BE pediatrician unlike all of you BC ones!

So I finally uploaded all my pictures from the year so far. You can access them if you want at Some nice pics of the clinic here taken by a photographer from the Houston chronicle. He also got some nice shots of Kara working in the hospital. Including one of a roach on one of the beds (there are a lot there). She left some roach traps during her two weeks there, hopefully it helped! We are working on trying to just burn down the hospital. I have decided there are plenty of resistant strains of bacteria there (definitely MDR-TB) and it would be better for the world if we got rid of the hospital.

I was trying to think of some funny stories to post on the blog. The only thing I can think of is watching Kara do her rickets dance. We had this kid who clearly had rickets that one of the other docs kept delaying treatment, well, partly because we don't have any treatment here and she wanted to make sure the wrist X-ray really looked like rickets...he has flaring of the wrist and is super bowlegged so, who cares right? Anyway, Kara saw him and he is the happiest little bowlegged kid so she started the rickets dance in his honor. And then there was breaking into our own house with a spoon (the only other suggestion was throwing a brick through the window!).

It has been an interesting year. We are still calling it Real World Lesotho. Four more months to go for me...

The most important reason for the post is that I want to try and arrange the next summer weekend in Tahoe...keep it in mind!

Take care.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

36 hours to Miami

Hey guys! I must admit I've not been here in ages. I just had a tough time remembering the link. Glad to see everyone's doing well. As for me, I'm trying to survive the 2nd half of ID first year without Mikhaela. She's now officially abandoned me for the Alta-Bates "Dirty Utility room." I don't even know where to start with this whirlwind. I keep thinking, " it (ID fellowship) will slow down but each month, it's busier."

Just got back from Miami. Decided to take a few days off and not sure it was a great idea. SFO United Airways (don't take it!) got delayed so I would miss my connection flight and had to standby the next morning. I got there at 5am! and couldn't get on the next few flights. So I plan to hop on the afternoon flight. So I grab an early lunch, actually brunch and head to the gate. I somehow doze off and wake up, noticing no one's at the terminal. Umm... I realize the agent told me the wrong terminal. I literally run to the terminal and I'm told I've missed the flight. The plane is right there! It hadn't left! So I hop on the next flight to Chicago and land in Miami 2 days after I should have been there. Then it rained 2 of the 3 days I was at South Beach!!! Had a nice rental car (Volvo S40) and tried returning it. The rental place was in the middle of nowhere about a mile from the airport and took me about 1.5 hours to find the place! I finally got back to the Bay at SFO, waited an hour for my luggage and got stuck another 1.5 hours on the Bay Bridge entrance due to the new construction. Finally got home at 1am!!! And by 8am, back at work in the ID office. I really need a vacation now!

N.B. I left out the parts about meeting a long-lost good friend from college and catching the next flight with Eli to Chicago. Sorry but I forgot how nice it is to blog out.

Friday, February 15, 2008

Chief or Chair

Hi guys,
Congratulations to everyone that passed the boards--you all knew you could do it, it was just the process that sucked so damned bad. So, we had a lot of snow here this winter, the snow finally melted last weekend, and today I was so excited because it was the first day it rained since October (the rest of the time was snow). I forgot how beautiful water is coming from the sky, and how nice it is to see the grass instead of the crummy snow.

Damien turned 18 mos last week. He had his official weigh in: 28 lbs 3 oz (75th%), and 33 in tall (75th%) (he's almost as tall as me, I think--definitely taller than Lily by now for sure... ;) He's talking like crazy, says about 25-30 words (none of them, luckily, are "no"). He's alot of fun.

This past month I took on an additional job: Chief (or is it Chair) of the Dept of Pediatrics and Ob at our community hospital. Yeah, basically, no one wanted to do it, so they asked me (they had to bend the rules b/c you're supposed to be here for at least 1 yr before being the chief). I had to run my first meeting, which was a hoot because I'd only been to one other meeting, plus, I'm still learning everybody's names and faces. Oh well, it will get better--I just hope I don't screw up while I'm trying to figure out what the hell I'm supposed to be doing.

Sonal, how come the change of plans to LA? Did you not like it in Chicago? Tammy, hope you got lots of skiing in this winter--I'm sure there is tons of snow and the season should last pretty long, too! Ok, I gotta go, I promised myself I would catch up on sleep tonight, plus, I have to work on some notes (I HATE our EMR, I miss MEDITECH!!)

PS: Why use Ampicillin when you can use VANCO?? (it's stronger, right?) Hey, just put everyone on Linezolid, that way you don't have to think or worry. (I have a budding career in ID)

Friday, February 8, 2008

measure A

i was surprised that it didn't pass and it wasn't even close. for those of you who aren't living/voting in alameda, measure A sought to help raise money for a 300 million dollar (?) renovation to CHO by imposing a small parcel tax. everyone in alameda received description of the measure written/signed by ann petru, james betts, and a bunch of other attendings (including the rehab attending). there were lots of commercials running locally with sad-looking children on them.

i assumed that it would pass because who can say no to sick children, but i was really surprised by the local news on tv which showed an angry CEO and a bias towards the people who voted against it. the local neighborhood really rallied against our bad private and therefore affluent hospital, saying that the new plan was for 12 floors and it was going to take away the view and block the sun. also how some people may have to move out of their houses for the development of the hospital. and that "children's hospital has been a bad neighbor".

i wonder what this means for the future of CHO. i guess as long as we don't move to livermore (no offense lauren if by some small chance you're reading this) like the rumors were saying and stay in oakland it would be fine.

Tuesday, February 5, 2008


So last night, after reading all these posts, I had a dream that I decided to give up my 4 day a week clinic schedule and once a month call to join Sonal in the PICU... And no matter how hard I tried to leave, I kept seeing Arup's disapproving glare. Then I woke up and realized this is my day off, and I get to sleep in (no offense, rock and I admire you), and life was better again. It's fun to hear how all of you are doing. While some of you are off on exotic (and warm) trips, here in Reno, it's 8 degrees outside and there is snow piled up to my nipple line. We bought a snow blower, though, and Jason's proving that ours blows snow farther and better than the guy down the street (what's with men and their toys?).

I, too, was a little upset with, but even more so at my hotmail account that decided that any correspondence from went to my junk mail (and I don't check). I was vacationing in D.C. when I saw Deb's blog and then went to the website and realized my scores were sitting in my mailbox at home... Oh well. Still had fun.

Anyways, I just thought I'd write and say we bought some more furniture, so we now have lots of space for anyone who wants to visit and hit the slopes. We are having a record year this year. I miss seeing you all. Hope everyone is doing well! And I agree, keep blogging, cuz I like to see what everyone's up to.


Friday, February 1, 2008

omg, posts!

wowsers. I don't log in for a few weeks, and omigod there are posts. Craziness. I too thought post-boards and results peeps would be excited, but alas. No. y;'all are of course we passed, whatever, it's sooo mundane.
Off to South Africa tomorrow crazy early morning flight. 6am, do I really need to be there at 4? 5 hours to JFK, another 17 to Jo'burg. Wish me luck. Actually, I just found out we get a little layover in Dakar. Leg stretching and whatnot. I'll run around the airport for 30 minutes.
I can't remember, did i get a window seat for easy sleeping, or an aisle for the ease of the bathroom runs?

Meeting up w/ Meg in Jo'burg, hanging out there, safari'ing and then flying to Cape Town to meet up w/ Anu and Kara. Then it's wine country, beaches, hiking and more touristy stuff that our crazy travel agent set up for us (that'd be Anu- thanks again).

Fun seeing some of you last night, catching up, wining and dining.
I'll bring back pics to upload if my camera makes it thru the trip. There's some tape holding it together right now. heh.
shoot. hiccups.