Saturday, November 17, 2007

Normal life

Originally uploaded by jcielo
So somehow I thought my life would be good again after boards, with time to cook dinner and relax and socialize. Hmmm....I guess I was delusional. Life is still quite busy with long days, stuff to read about, notes to finish. (Yes, I did note that mole on his eyelash, Brian, that he got from his unpasteurized chinchilla in Mexico.) I am starting on with the big NIH research project in Feb at Alta Bates related to GBS transmission and respiratory distress. Kathleen too. We will basically be living there next year. Yes, poor Niyi is getting ditched. (Sorry Niyi.) Definitely no vacation in sight for me. :( Have fun all those going to Africa to visit. I am very sad I can't go.

Kara started Fish Taco Thurs and it was a big hit! It was great to hang out with peeps again and Aaron's chipotle sauce was oh so tasty. :)

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

as I write from my padded room...

All sizes

...just kidding, there are no pads in our office. Just a dirty carpet. Anyways, I hope everyone is well. I'm feeling a bit burnt out from all the studying, just trying to avoid reading, but I can't...I love to learn!

BTW - we are going to try to have a regular Thursday pot luck/Taco Thursday situation, and next week will be the first - November 15. Sorry to everyone who's not in town, but when you visit and it's a Thursday, you can come. 4901 Clarke St. Apt. 7.

Hope you like our halloween photos. Aaron and I were voted creepiest couple in Seattle.