Sunday, March 30, 2008

summit doodlings...

I just wrote this. Sigh, blogger's on the fritz. I'll write it again, cuz it's not like we're exactly busy at Summit(yet). So, for all of you who may still have long calls with nothing much to do: go to this link:

for a little brain teasing. Prepare to fail a lot. But then feel really clever at times. I'm currently stuck on the "don't you wish you had a bridge" one. And I do. I really do. Luckily, I have a skip. I also skipped the painting one. I should figure that out though.


Thursday, March 6, 2008

I am so happy

so many new blogs!!! I am so happy. Anyways, I am moving back to LA for two main reasons 1. my family 2. my sanity. No just kidding, chicago really is a great town and I will miss the PICU here, in the past month I have really bonded with the staff here (i.e. really bad things have happened and we all had a nice cry together). But, I am dreaming of life near the beach and hopefully that will become reality. In the meantime, you all should start planning your trips to visit me and movie star Hung. Really, it is so nice to hear from everyone, especially the peeps in Lesotho.